animal health articles dogs 

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Euthanasia considerations

The pain of saying goodbye to our pets is heartbreaking and although no amount of preparation will eliminate that pain, there are some considerations that may help you feel more in control of the situation.

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Summertime sun and sounds can be painful for pets

The very ingredients of summertime fun for people often cause anxiety, fear and illness in pets. It’s important for owners to understand summertime hazards for pets and to take steps that will help keep companion animals safe, healthy and happy.

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Caring for your blind dog

Your dog has been diagnosed with an eye disease leading to blindness or severely limited vision, but their remaining senses can help them adapt to their surroundings.

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Protecting your pet from parasites

Although Colorado has a climate that doesn’t encourage pet parasites as much as climates in the South, it’s still critical to protect your cat and dog from parasites.

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