Jozsef Vigh

Professor Biomedical Sciences


(970) 491-5758

About Jozsef

Our research focuses on the synaptic mechanisms underlying retinal visual information processing and light-driven behaviors in vertebrates. Recently, we have concentrated on understanding how therapeutic and abused opioids influence the photoentrainment of circadian rhythms, particularly in relation to sleep-wake cycles. Our multidisciplinary approach incorporates patch-clamp electrophysiology, mass spectrometry, pharmacological techniques, and behavioral studies to address these questions comprehensively.

In addition to research, my teaching responsibilities are primarily in graduate-level courses. I coordinate and teach Neuronal Circuits, Systems and Behavior (NB/BMS 505) and also lecture in team-taught courses, including Managing a Career in Science (BMS 610), and Biomolecular Tools for Bioengineers (BIOM 533). A significant portion of my teaching extends beyond the classroom, where I mentor undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in my lab. Through this mentorship, students and fellows are trained to conduct both independent and collaborative research projects.

