Charlie Talbot
Veterinary Resident, Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Clinical SciencesVETERINARY TEACHING HOSPITAL (
[email protected]About Charlie
Dr. Talbot graduated from James Cook University in North Queensland, Australia. He has completed small animal rotating internships at Queensland Veterinary Specialists in Australia, and the Royal Veterinary College in the United Kingdom where he additionally attained a Post Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Practice. He has worked in sole-charge out-of-hours emergency and critical care, pathology and pathobiology research, and tertiary clinical teaching before undertaking a residency and PhD at Colorado State University. His active research interests pertain to canine parvovirus and blood product use in emergency and critical care. His active clinical interests include polytrauma, sepsis, mechanical ventilation, and transfusion medicine. Dr. Talbot’s PhD program is funded by the Center of Companion Animal Studies in part from donations from Elanco Animal Health.