Rebecca Packer

Guest Associate College Office


(970) 297-4543

About Rebecca

Dr. Packer’s clinical interests include neurosurgery, movement disorders, intracranial diseases and neoplastic conditions of the nervous system. Her comparative research focuses primarily on minimally-invasive neurosurgical techniques and novel drug therapies for the treatment of brain tumors. The goal of these efforts is to develop treatments that will benefit veterinary patients, and also provide potential translation to human patients. Her primary research goal is to develop more effective brain tumor treatments, while minimizing surgical invasiveness and chemotherapeutic side effects.


BS, Bucknell University, 1993MS, North Carolina State University, 1995DVM, North Carolina State University, 2001


Diplomate of the American College of Internal Medicine, Specialty of Neurology


Vaccination for invasive canine meningioma induces in situ production of antibodies capable of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Andersen BM, Pluhar GE, Seiler CE, Goulart MR, SantaCruz KS, Schutten MM, Meints JP, O'Sullivan MG, Bentley RT, Packer RA, Thomovsky SA, Chen AV, Faissler D, Chen W, Hunt MA, Olin MR, Ohlfest JR. Cancer Res. 2013 May 15;73(10):2987-97. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-3366. Epub 2013 Mar 7. Hand-gesture-based sterile interface for the operating room using contextual cues for the navigation of radiological images. Jacob MG, Wachs JP, Packer RA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Jun;20(e1):e183-6. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2012-001212. Epub 2012 Dec 18. Canine intervertebral disc fenestration using a vacuum-assisted tissue resection device. Thomovsky SA, Packer RA, Lambrechts NE, Moore GE. Vet Surg. 2012 Nov;41(8):1011-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-950X.2012.01060.x. Epub 2012 Oct 30 Establishing an academic neurology specialty program: experiences over a five-year period. Packer RA, Lambrechts NE, Bentley RT. J Vet Med Educ. 2012 Summer;39(2):152-9. doi: 10.3138/jvme.0511.062R1. Imaging diagnosis-magnetic resonance imaging features of metastatic cerebral lymphoma in a dog. Thomovsky SA, Packer RA, Burcham GN, Heng HG. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2011 Mar-Apr;52(2):192-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1740-8261.2010.01768.x. Epub 2010 Dec 13. Evaluation of minimally invasive excisional brain biopsy and intracranial brachytherapy catheter placement in dogs. Packer RA, Freeman LJ, Miller MA, Fauber AE, Morrison WB. Am J Vet Res. 2011 Jan;72(1):109-21. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.72.1.109. Evaluation of an acute focal epidural mass model to characterize the intracranial pressure-volume relationship in healthy Beagles. Packer RA, Simmons JP, Davis NM, Constable PD. Am J Vet Res. 2011 Jan;72(1):103-8. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.72.1.103. An ADAMTSL2 founder mutation causes Musladin-Lueke Syndrome, a heritable disorder of beagle dogs, featuring stiff skin and joint contractures. Bader HL, Ruhe AL, Wang LW, Wong AK, Walsh KF, Packer RA, Mitelman J, Robertson KR, O'Brien DP, Broman KW, Shelton GD, Apte SS, Neff MW. PLoS One. 2010 Sep 17;5(9). doi:pii: e1281710.1371/journal.pone.0012817. Pregabalin as an adjunct to phenobarbital, potassium bromide, or a combination of phenobarbital and potassium bromide for treatment of dogs with suspected idiopathic epilepsy. Dewey CW, Cerda-Gonzalez S, Levine JM, Badgley BL, Ducoté JM, Silver GM, Cooper JJ, Packer RA, Lavely JA. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2009 Dec 15;235(12):1442-9. doi: 10.2460/javma.235.12.1442. Sarcocystis sp. encephalomyelitis in a cat. Bisby TM, Holman PJ, Pitoc GA, Packer RA, Thompson CA, Raskin RE. Vet Clin Pathol. 2010 Mar;39(1):105-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-165X.2009.00163.x. Epub 2009 Jun 22. Intracranial subarachnoid hemorrhage following lumbar myelography in two dogs. Packer RA, Bergman RL, Coates JR, Essman SC, Weis K, O'Brien DP, Johnson GC. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2007 Jul-Aug;48(4):323-7. Sublumbar abscess and diskospondylitis in a cat. Packer RA, Coates JR, Cook CR, Lattimer JC, O'Brien DP. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2005 Sep-Oct;46(5):396-9. D-lactic acidosis secondary to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in a cat. Packer RA, Cohn LA, Wohlstadter DR, Shelton GD, Naylor JM, Zello GA, Ewaschuk JB, Williams DA, Ruaux CG, O'Brien DP. J Vet Intern Med. 2005 Jan-Feb;19(1):106-10. Traumatic subarachnoid-pleural fistula in a dog. Packer RA, Frank PM, Chambers JN. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2004 Nov-Dec;45(6):523-7. Association between lymph node size and metastasis in dogs with oral malignant melanoma: 100 cases (1987-2001). Williams LE, Packer RA. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2003 May 1;222(9):1234-6.

Research Specialty

Clinical interestsResearch interests