Laurie Goodrich

Professor Clinical Sciences


(970) 297-0376

About Laurie

Dr. Goodrich is a Professor of Orthopedics in the Department of Clinical Sciences. Her laboratory studies new approaches to bone and joint healing in equine athletes, and employs both gene therapy and stem cell therapy. Ongoing studies include using adeno-associated viral vectors to deliver growth factors and anti-inflammatory molecules important in cartilage and bone healing. Dr. Goodrich has utilized mesenchymal stem cells and platelet rich plasma to improve cartilage repair. Further studies utilizing gene therapy combined with stem cell therapies to improve musculoskeletal repair are currently underway.


BS, University of Connecticut, Pathobiology, 1987BS, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacology, 1996DVM, University of Illinois, Veterinary Medicine, 1991PhD, Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2004


ACVS Diplomate, 1999


Carpenter RS, Goodrich LR, Frisbie DD, Kisiday JD, Carbone B, McIlwraith C, Centeno CJ, Hidaka C. (2010). Induction of Osteoblastic Differentiation of Human and Equine Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells with BMP-2, BMP-7 or BMP-2/7 Genetic Modification in the Presence and Absence of Dexamethasone. Journal of Orthopedic Research, 28, 1330-1337.Stewart AA, Goodrich LR, Byron CR, Evans RB, Stewart MC. (2010). Antimicrobial delivery by intrasynovial catheterization in equine synovial trauma and sepsis cases: a description of the technique and outcome of 38 cases. Australian Veterinary Journal, 88:115-23.Maher MC, Werpy NM, Goodrich LR, McIlwraith CW. (2010). Distension of the navicular bursa to determine the presence of adhesions using magnetic resonance imaging. American Journal of Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. in pressHendrix SM, Baxter GM, McIlwraith CW, Hendrickson DA, Goodrich LR, Frisbie DD, Trotter GW. (2010). Combination of meniscal and subchondral cystic lesions within the medial femorotibial joints in horses (1996-2006), Equine Veterinary Journal, 42:5-9.Hale BW, Goodrich LR, Frisbie DD, McIlwraith CW, Kisiday JD. (2010). Effect of scaffold dilution on mesenchymal stem cell migration from fibrin hydrogels. American Journal of Veterinary Research. in press

Research Specialty

Equine Exclusive/Predominant