Casey Nestor

Associate Professor Biomedical Sciences


(970) 491-0006

About Casey

My research is focused on acquiring a greater understanding of the mechanisms that link reproduction and energy balance at the level of the brain. Our ongoing studies focus on central mechanisms whereby inadequate energy intake (i.e. undernutrition) suppresses gonadotropin- releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone (GnRH/LH) secretion in sheep. Specifically, we examine key reproductive neurons (e.g. KNDy cells) in relation to changes in melanocortin signaling and central inflammation during chronic undernutrition in young male and female sheep. As a longstanding model of basic neuroendocrine research, sheep continue to be an exceptional research model benefiting both human health and animal production. My laboratory team routinely employs neuroanatomical approaches such as RNAscope and immunohistochemistry together with central drug delivery and frequent blood collection to assess the role of various components that regulate GnRH/LH secretion. 


Ph.D. in Cellular and Integrative Physiology, West Virginia University, 2012B.S. in Biology, West Virginia University, 2005


Renwick AN, Whitlock BK, Nestor CC, Daniel JA, Strickland L, Lear AS, Adkins M, Griffin C, Esteller-Vico A. 2024. Chronic inflammation decreases arcuate kisspeptin expression in male sheep. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. June 9 2024, 106868Aerts EG, Griesgraber MJ, Shuping SL, Bowdridge EC, Hardy SL, Goodman RL, Nestor CC, Hileman SM. 2024. The effect of NK3-saporin injection within the arcuate nucleus on puberty, the LH surge, and the response to senktide in female sheep. Biology of Reproduction 110(2):275-287. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioad147.Nestor CC, Merkley CM, Hileman SM, Lehman MN, Goodman RL. 2023. KNDy neurons as the GnRH pulse generator: recent studies in ruminants. Peptides. 164:171005. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2023.171005.Harlow K, Griesgraber MJ, Seman A, Shuping SL, Sommer JR, Hileman SM, Nestor CC. 2022. The impact of undernutrition on KNDy neurons in female lambs. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 34(6):e13135. doi: 10.1111/jne.13135.

Research Specialty

Reproductive NeuroendocrinologyNeuroscienceReproduction