animal health articles dogs 

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How to prepare your pet for a low-stress vet visit

When a person is in a stressful situation, anxiety can manifest itself a lot of different ways: shaking, pacing, fidgeting, blushing – the list goes on. Similarly, animals also exhibit signs of stress, but they often vary from human behaviors. When exposed to a potentially anxiety-inducing situation – like a visit to the veterinarian – […]

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What happens if a dog eats chocolate?

Chocolate is bad for dogs because it contains caffeine and theobromine. If a dog eats chocolate, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, panting, weakness, and increased heart rate.

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Preventing dental disease in dogs and cats

The key to preventing dental disease in dogs and cats is brushing their teeth daily. Learn the signs of dental disease and different options for preventing periodontal disease in your pet.

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Is pet insurance right for you and your companion?

When Fido or Fifi gets sick or injured, unexpected medical expenses can create quite a financial strain. Like human health insurance, pet insurance is an option available to help families offset some or all of the costs of medical care.

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