Equine Reproduction Laboratory Internationally renowned excellence in research, education, and clinical services

The Equine Reproduction Laboratory is a state-of-the-art facility devoted to innovative research, exceptional teaching, and excellence in clinical service. Whether you are seeking our services for your mare or stallion, our team of experts is with you every step of the way to help you achieve your breeding season goals.

Dedicated veterinary faculty, staff, and students attend to a high equine caseload from the entire United States. Horse owners appreciate the expertise, devotion, and compassion of our team. In turn, clinical cases allow for development of expertise, fuel concepts for applied research, and provide valuable material for a broad range of teaching opportunities.

Help us invest in faculty and students, expand our research programs, and develop new technologies to enhance bloodlines for future generations of champions. Give Now

Equine Reproduction Blog

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Placentitis in mares

Learn about what causes placentitis in mares, how to diagnose and treat it, and better understand the anticipated outcome of this condition.

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Q&A with the assisted reproductive technology team

Long-time Equine Reproduction Laboratory (ERL) team members Dr. Jennifer Hatzel and JoAnne Stokes are the magicians who help clients achieve their foaling goals through our assisted reproductive technology program.