Low-dose radiation therapy in dogs with elbow osteoarthritis

We can perform local radiation therapy to areas with osteoarthritis, similar to dogs undergoing radiation treatment for cancer. This can be done as 3 or 6 treatments that would occur over 1-2 weeks. These procedures are done under general anesthesia. Before this, we require baseline bloodwork and potentially X-rays of the chest depending on the pet’s age. This has been investigated in limited fashion in both dogs and people but has promising results.



eligibility information

To participate in the trial, dogs must:

  • Have radiographically confirmed osteoarthritis in affected elbow
  • Be skeletally mature
  • Weigh over 10kg
  • Be in general good health
  • Be amenable to objective gait analysis
  • Be able to undergo anesthesia
  • Be able to wear a collar

The study will take about 1.5 years, and participants should be able to attend at least 8 to 12 in-person appointments.

contact information

If you’re interested in enrolling in this trial, please email orthoresearch@colostate.edu.

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Orthopedic Medicine and Mobility Clinical Trials