Evaluation of the effect of cannabidiol on mobility impairment in dogs
The primary objective of the study is to assess the effect of cannabidiol (CBD) in dogs with mobility impairment caused by osteoarthritis and/or chronic neurologic conditions. The secondary objective is to evaluate the clinical safety of CBD when used together with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). We will be enrolling 20 patients that are receiving NSAIDs as part of their medical management and 20 patients that are not receiving NSAIDs.
Dog owners who participate in the study must agree to bring their dog to the CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital for five visits (to include veterinary evaluations) at specific time points over a period of about 130 days. Clients must also agree to complete surveys about their dog, have their dog wear an activity collar at all times throughout the study, and allow their dog to have blood drawn at CSU multiple times and be led over a pressure-sensitive walkway that measures weight distribution among the limbs. In addition, their dog will be randomly assigned to receive an oral CBD supplement or a placebo (and halfway through the study, these will be switched), and the owner must agree to give the supplement as directed. In select cases, the dog may also need to have an abdominal ultrasound performed along with fine-needle aspirates of the liver, which will require sedation.
Diagnostic procedures necessary to establish a diagnosis will be offered to owners free of charge. These may include radiographs and/or ultrasound. More advanced diagnostics (CT, MRI) are not covered by the study but may be pursued at the owner’s expense. At the time of enrollment, owners will be informed about treatment options recommended for their pet. Owners may elect to pursue these treatment options outside of the clinical trial. If owners decide not to proceed with further treatment options (or their dog is already receiving a comprehensive or the recommended treatment protocol), they may elect to enroll in the trial with the goal of assessing whether CBD can provide additional benefits to their dog. Owners may opt to withdraw from the clinical trial at any time.
eligibility information
Your dog must:
- Weigh greater than 10 kg (22 lbs) and be in general good health (i.e., able to perform daily activities such as walking).
- Not be on an active weight loss (or gain) program.
- Have received a consistent pain and mobility treatment regime over the 4 consecutive weeks prior to enrollment, which may include NSAIDs and/or any other nutritional supplements/treatments as long as they are administered consistently.
- Be adapted to wearing a collar 24/7.
- Not have had surgery or joint injections on the affected joint within 3 months of enrollment.
- Not receive/have received within the last month any systemic corticosteroids or non-traditional NSAIDs (i.e., Galliprant).
- Not suffer from a disease that is expected to substantially change over the study period (e.g., neoplasia, partial rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament, etc.) based on the judgment of the supervising faculty.
- Not show evidence of pre-existing liver or kidney disease.
Additional criteria may apply.
Enrollment Deadline
Enrollment ends October 1, 2021
contact information
Please complete our enrollment survey.