What happens if a dog eats chocolate?
Chocolate is bad for dogs because it contains caffeine and theobromine. If a dog eats chocolate, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, panting, weakness, and increased heart rate.
Chocolate is bad for dogs because it contains caffeine and theobromine. If a dog eats chocolate, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, panting, weakness, and increased heart rate.
If your pet needs to make a trip outside for work, potty, or play, do what you can to limit their time outdoors in the extreme cold. Also take into consideration your dog’s breed, typical environment, and other environmental factors.
Labeled as “xylitol” within the ingredients list for most products, the same plant-derived substance can also be identified as “birch sugar” or “birch sap” in others.
A pet should never be left in a vehicle in the sun, even if the temperature is mild and the windows are open.
This information will help you avoid potential dangers – and will help you respond if your pet does get into something poisonous.
Pet food recalls occur for many reasons. In general, the process exists to protect consumers from food that does not meet quality standards or is tainted with pathogens, excess or deficiency in vitamins or minerals, and contamination with toxins.
Preparing for your pets’ welfare in an emergency will help first responders, evacuation groups and emergency animal shelters better care for the animals, and will give you peace of mind.
We humans know to call 9-1-1 or visit an emergency room when faced with serious injury or illness – but what do we do when a pet needs emergency veterinary care?
Accidental poisoning is among the most common problems we see in emergency veterinary medicine, so it’s a good idea for pet owners to understand sources of toxicity, to take preventative steps, and to have a plan for response in case of ingestion.