How to brush your dog’s teeth
A step-by-step guide with photos and tips on how to brush your dog’s teeth.
Written and reviewed by board-certified veterinarians, find animal care advice and information for companion, exotic, equine, and livestock animals.
A step-by-step guide with photos and tips on how to brush your dog’s teeth.
When a person is in a stressful situation, anxiety can manifest itself a lot of different ways: shaking, pacing, fidgeting, blushing – the list goes on. Similarly, animals also exhibit signs of stress, but they often vary from human behaviors. When exposed to a potentially anxiety-inducing situation – like a visit to the veterinarian – […]
If your pet needs to make a trip outside for work, potty, or play, do what you can to limit their time outdoors in the extreme cold. Also take into consideration your dog’s breed, typical environment, and other environmental factors.
Vestibular disease is a common condition in dogs and cats that is very similar to vertigo in humans. An inner ear imbalance can cause incoordination, turning, leaning, or even falling and rolling.
Labeled as “xylitol” within the ingredients list for most products, the same plant-derived substance can also be identified as “birch sugar” or “birch sap” in others.
If your dog is getting up there in age, it’s important to be on the lookout for signs of canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (dog dementia) and see your veterinarian if you notice any changes.
Throughout spring and early summer, the emergency and urgent care service sees on average two to four cases per week of puppies with parvovirus, a virus that can be easily avoided by regularly vaccinating your dog.
Your dog has been diagnosed with an eye disease leading to blindness or severely limited vision, but their remaining senses can help them adapt to their surroundings.
The pain of saying goodbye to our pets is heartbreaking and although no amount of preparation will eliminate that pain, there are some considerations that may help you feel more in control of the situation.