
for the betterment of animal and human musculoskeletal systems

Learn about mesenchymal stem cell research in the Orthopaedic Research Center.

Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Offering both in-house and on-farm services, the equine sports medicine and rehabilitation service at the Johnson Family Equine Hospital comes equipped with the latest knowledge, equipment, and technology for comprehensive care of your equine partner.

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Kawcak and McIlwraith performing surgery

Equine Surgery and Lameness

We provide comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic expertise in equine lameness and surgery.

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brown haired woman blocking a brown horse hoof

Equine Podiatry

Led by a team of equine podiatrists, veterinarians, and local farriers, the equine podiatry service at CSU is the only one of its kind in the Rocky Mountain Region. Our experts are here to address any issue that requires a deep comprehension of the equine hoof, including lameness, limb abnormalities, and preventive care.

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Research Capabilities

We are a comprehensive research facility predominantly focusing on the prevention and repair of orthopedic disease in human and animals. As the support structure for biomedical research continues to expand with modern medical discoveries and advances, the Orthopaedic Research Center will continue to provide groundbreaking research for the future.

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Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are research studies that help medical professionals improve the detection and treatment of illnesses. Our clinical trials program enrolls client-owned horses to evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs such as blood-derived biologics, mesenchymal stem cells therapies, and gene therapy techniques to treat orthopedic diseases.

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Our Collaborators