Student Snapshot

Our veterinary students represent diversity in age, background, experiences, and more.

Statistics represent the current class of first-year veterinary students.

86% women, 14% men
age range 20-39, average age 24
gpa range 2.75-4.0, avg gpa 3.66
8 countries and 33 states represented
25% underrepresented
Ethnicity/Race categories include
American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian,
Black, Hispanic, and Pacific Islander
30% from rural
Rural is defined as coming from a
hometown with a population of fewer
than 20,000
22% first
First Generation indicates that a
student's parents have not completed
a bachelor's degree
16 languages spoken
Afrikaans, Arabic, ASL, Cantonese, French, German, Hmong, Hupa, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Class size 152, 4,204 applicants
Highest degree at application: 4 associate, 94 bachelor, 8 master, 0 doctorate, 46 no degree; Highest degree upon admission: 2 associate, 135 bachelor, 12 master, 2 doctorate, 1 no degree
Number of times applied before admitted: 106 once, 34 twice, 12 three or more times