Linda Vap

Emeritus Professor Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology

About Linda

Emeritus professor Dr. Vap’s first career involved working in human hospital laboratories as a generalist and eventually as a blood bank section supervisor. This background naturally led to an interest in veterinary clinical pathology and her involvement with managing the clinical pathology laboratory. She continues to be interested all areas of the laboratory including hematology, cytology and biochemistry with special interests involving instrumentation, quality assurance and blood banking.


DVM, Colorado State University, 1988BS Medical Technology, University of Nebraska, 1977


Diplomate, Clinical Pathology
American College of Veterinary Pathologists


Evans SJM, Sharp JL, Vap LM. Optimizing the u411 automated urinalysis instrument for veterinary use. Vet Clin Pathol. 2020;49(1):106-111.Wimsatt J, Pearce R, Roth M, Vap L, Steyn, PF, Glover DK, "Comparative renal disposition of inulin, creatine and technetium labeled contrast agents in the pigeon (Columba livia)." J Zoo Wildl Med. 2020;50(4)891-896.Arnold JE, Camus MS, Freeman KP, et al. ASVCP Guidelines: Principles of Quality Assurance and Standards for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (version 3.0): Developed by the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology's (ASVCP) Quality Assurance and Laboratory Standards (QALS) Committee. Vet Clin Pathol. 2019;48(4):542-618. Nabity MB, Harr KE, Camus MS, Flatland B, Vap LM, ASVCP guidelines: Allowable total error hematology. Vet Clin Path, 2018;47(1)9–21. Vap LM, Shropshire SB. Urine Cytology: collection, Film Preparation, and Evaluation in Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice. Amy MacNeill, ed., January 2017;47(1). Hoon-Hanks LL, Rout ED, Vap LM, Aboellail TA, Hassel DM, Nout-Lomas YS. Reactive mesothelial hyperplasia associated with chronic peritonitis in a 20-year-old Quarter horse. Can Vet J. May, 2016;57(5);492-6.Vap LM, Bohn AA, Hematology of Camelids in Veterinary Clinics of North America, Exotic Animal Practice. Terry Campbell, ed. 2015;18(1)41-49.