The Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory is a world-renowned center advancing the reproductive sciences through research, education, clinical service, and outreach. Our mission is to excel in the discovery, translation, and dissemination of knowledge in reproductive sciences and biotechnologies at local, national, and international levels to enhance reproductive health for both humans and animals. The lab serves as stewards for hundreds of animals including horses, bison, camels, cattle, goats, llamas, pigs, and sheep and, with its state-of-the-art Equine Reproduction Laboratory, houses numerous laboratories and service centers.
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New CSU-Smithsonian grant aims to improve egg freezing in both human fertility and wildlife conservation
The collaborative translational project aims to reduce the damage eggs sustain during freezing and improve their viability
Biomedical sciences researcher awarded grant to help improve assisted reproductive technology
The translational three-year project aims to improve cattle embryo viability and health outcomes under different environmental conditions
Study pinpoints neurons activated during acute stress that interfere with fertility
Study finds that a specific population of neurons in the brainstem is key for regulating both neuroendocrine and behavioral responses to stress
Scholarships and fellowships support students at all levels of study - undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral, and D.V.M. - to train the next generation of reproductive scientists. Professorships and endowed chairs provide support for and assist in recruiting exceptional faculty, allowing the lab to continue advancing education and research initiatives. Give Now
Contact us
3107 Rampart Road
1683 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523
(970) 491-3456