Endocrinology Laboratory

Reproductive hormone testing for clinical and research applications

The Endocrinology Laboratory offers a variety of clinical tests to determine spay/neuter/cryptorchid status, pregnancy status, occurrence of ovulation, presence of tumors of the reproductive system, as well as other more specialized analytical technologies. Radioimmunoassay techniques are used to quantify hormones in biological fluids and tissues to evaluate pituitary function and target organ response. The lab provides clinical services to zoos, wildlife foundations, veterinarians, private breeders, and on occasion, law enforcement.

Researchers, clinicians, and pharmaceutical companies utilize our lab for studies requiring the most sensitive assays for detection of minute quantities of hormones in biological samples, and we are involved in various research studies pertaining to issues such as reproductive function and efficacy of treatments.​​

Many of the antibodies to hormones are generated on site, which minimizes costs for the analytical reagents, enabling us to offer these assays at a low price to our clients. Aliquots of lyophilized antisera to hormones are available for research purposes and will be sent to investigators upon request.

Test information and pricing

*Please contact the lab for availability and pricing of all assays

TestosteroneTestosterone info sheet
Progesterone (P4)P4 info sheet
Mare pregnancy test (MPT)MPT info sheet
Equine luteinizing hormone (eLH)eLH info sheet
Equine follicle stimulating hormone (eFSH)eFSH info sheet
Estradiol (E2)
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)

Submission form

Please fill out all of the information and submit the form with the samples to be analyzed.

Shipping information

With each shipment, please include the following:
  • Multiple sample lab form
  • At least 1 ml serum for each hormone to be analyzed (it may be possible to utilize smaller volumes, but prior approval from the Endocrinology Laboratory is required).
  • Samples contained in tightly sealed glass or polypropylene 12×75 mm tubes
  • Ice pack

If you would like the samples returned, please include a written request with the submission form indicating how the return shipment is to be billed.

Shipping instructions

Ship samples via overnight carrier (send chilled or frozen). If shipped other than overnight, samples must be frozen or on dry ice.

Shipping address

Endocrinology Laboratory
ARBL/Foothills Campus
3107 Rampart Road
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1683

Contact us

Phone: (970) 491-1645
Fax: (970) 491-3557
Email: [email protected]
September-May: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
June-August: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Our Team

Terry Nett

Lab Manager