Infectious Disease Research and Response Network


Together, members of the IDRRN have intentionally sought to know each other as people, be aware of the breadth of expertise, and continuously improve our team-science approaches. We have created a culture of awareness and collaboration that enables us to quickly and effectively respond to current and emerging threats. This has been achieved through regular team-based dialogue to align and integrate cutting edge research findings with current and projected threats as denoted by agencies charged with active global surveillance (e.g. NIH, NSF, USDA, CDC, WHO, etc.). Areas of current global interest include: viral hemorrhagic fevers, water and foodborne pathogens, vector-borne viruses, vector biology, tuberculosis, protein misfolding, cancer biology, climate change, microbiome, pandemic preparedness, and immunologically-based interventions. Each is an area of IDRRN excellence with demonstrated global recognition, securing CSU as a preeminent infectious disease research enterprise.


The three arms of IDRRN

Train World Class Scientists

Train diverse research scientists who will become globally-recognized scientific leaders in the battle against pandemics and novel emerging infectious agents. Trainees engage in experiential interdisciplinary scientific discovery in world renowned laboratories, integrating expertise that crosses scientific disciplines (e.g. infectious disease, immunology, biochemistry, chemistry, engineering, public and environmental health, agriculture), learning to think more wholistically and nimbly in responding to global challenges.

Engage in Proficient Science Communication

Science communication is a mandate for all scientific programs. To expand our prowess in communicating science to a variety of audiences, (e.g. community-engaged, scientific, policy decision makers) IDRRN develops, and members participate in, workshops and courses designed to emphasize written, visual and spoken communication skills, with focus on story-telling, media communications, science misinformation and advocacy in policy implications. We seek to sustain and build upon our existing network to train scientists in diverse team-based thinking, expertise, and exceptional communication skills to ensure CSU’s leadership and impact in response to future emerging infectious disease threats.

Interdisciplinary Team Development

The IDRRN consists of interdisciplinary teams that represent diverse perspectives and expertise, with membership that bridges CSU colleges, departments, centers, companies and federal agencies. We leverage activities, including small group format and semi-annual retreats, to bring faculty, staff and students together to share research findings, support team dynamics, and establish new teams, consisting of investigators that synergize across diverse backgrounds that result in innovative approaches to existing and emerging disease outbreaks.

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Contact Us

Candace Mathiason, Ph.D.
Director, Infectious Disease Research & Response Network

Pathology room 229


(970) 491-3975