Erica Suchman

Distinguished Teaching Scholar Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology


(970) 491-6521

About Erica

Using active learning to augment undergraduate learning in large lecture microbiology courses. The use of online learning materials to augment student learning, and how student usage effects student outcomes. University Distinguished Teaching Scholar


PhD, Univeristy of California, Irvine Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, 1994BS, Univeristy of California, San Diego; Biology, minors Studio Art and Organic Chemistry, 1987


Suchman, E.L., J. McLean, S.T. Denham, D. Shatila, David Prowel. (2018) Modeling Antibody-epitope Interactions with 3D printed Kits in Large or Small Lecture courses. Human Anatomy Physiology Society, Educator. Vol 22:1, 73-78.Kogan, L.R., P. Hellyer, R. Clapp, E. Suchman, J. McLean, R Shoenfeld-Tacher. (2017) The use of short Animal-Themed Videos to Enhance Veterinary Students’ Mood, Attention and Understanding of Pharmacology Lectures. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education Vol 45:2 DOI: DOI: 10.3138/jvme.1016-162r Suchman, E.L, R. Knodle & Suchman, E.L, McLean, J (2016) ASM Sample Questions In Microbiology. ASM publishing Washington DC, Print ISBN : 9781555819903, DOI: 10.1128/9781555819903McLean, J., E.L Suchman. (2016) Using Magnets and Classroom Flipping to Promote Student Engagement and Learning about Protein Translation in a Large Microbiology Class. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. vol. 17 no. 2 288-289. doi:10.1128/jmbe.v17i2.1048Suchman, E.L. (2015) The Use of On-Line Pre-Lab Assessments Compared with Written Pre-Lab Assignments Requiring Experimental Result Prediction Shows No Difference in Student Performance. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. 16(2) 266-268.Suchman, E.L. (2015) Encouraging Microbiology Students To Think Like Scientists. Microbe. 10(2) 1-5.Suchman, E.L. (2014) Changing academic culture to improve undergraduate STEM education Trends in Microbiology 22(12) 657-659.