Franklyn Garry

Clinical Sciences


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About Franklyn

Clinical Interests: Food Animal medicine and surgery. Research Interests: Neonatal disease, Infectious disease, Gastrointestinal disease.


BS College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, 1977DVM, Cornell University, 1981MS Clinical Science, The Ohio State University, 1987


Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Specialty: Large Animal Internal Medicine, May 1987


McConnel CS, Garry FB, Hill AE, Lombard JE, Gould DH. Conceptual modeling of postmortem evaluation findings to describe dairy cow deaths. J. Dairy Sci, 93:373-386, 2010.McConnel CS, Lombard JE, Wagner BA, Kopral CA, Garry FB. Herd Factors Associated with Dairy Cow Mortality in the United States. Prev Vet Med, submitted Sept 2010. McConnel CS, Garry FB, Hill AE, Lombard JE, Gould DH. Conceptual modeling of postmortem evaluation findings to describe dairy cow deaths. J. Dairy Sci, 93:373-386, 2010.McConnel CS, Garry FB, Lombard JE, Kidd JA, Hill AE, Gould DH. A necropsy-based descriptive study of dairy cow deaths on a Colorado dairy. J Dairy Sci, 92:1954-1962, 2009.Dennis MM, Antognoli MC, Garry FB, Hirst HL, Lombard JE, Gould DH, Salman MD. Association of severity of enteric granulomatous inflammation with disseminated Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection and antemortem test results for paratuberculosis in dairy cows. Vet Microbiol. 131:154-163, 2008. Antognoli MC, Garry FB, Hirst HL, Lombard JE, Dennis MM, Gould DH, Salman MD. Characterization of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis disseminated infection in dairy cattle and its association with antemortem test results. Vet Microbiol, 127: 300–308, 2008.McConnel CS, Lombard JE, Wagner BA, Garry FB. Evaluation of factors associated with increased dairy cow mortality on U.S. dairy operations. J Dairy Sci, 91:1423-1432, 2008.McConnel CS, Garry FB, Lombard JE, Kidd JA, Hill AE, Gould DH. A necropsy-based descriptive study of dairy cow deaths on a Colorado dairy. J Dairy Sci, 92:1954-1962, 2009.Dennis MM, Antognoli MC, Garry FB, Hirst HL, Lombard JE, Gould DH, Salman MD. Association of severity of enteric granulomatous inflammation with disseminated Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection and antemortem test results for paratuberculosis in dairy cows. Vet Microbiol. 131:154-163, 2008. Antognoli MC, Garry FB, Hirst HL, Lombard JE, Dennis MM, Gould DH, Salman MD. Characterization of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis disseminated infection in dairy cattle and its association with antemortem test results. Vet Microbiol, 127: 300–308, 2008.McConnel CS, Lombard JE, Wagner BA, Garry FB. Evaluation of factors associated with increased dairy cow mortality on U.S. dairy operations. J Dairy Sci, 91:1423-1432, 2008Antognoli MC, Hirst HL, Garry FB, Salman MD. Immune response to and faecal shedding of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis in young dairy calves, and the association between test results in the calves and the infection status of their dams. Zoonoses and Public Health, 54: 152-159, 2007. Lombard JE, Garry FB, Tomlinson SM, Garber LP. Impacts of dystocia on dairy calves. J Dairy Sci, 90:1751-1760, 2007. Collins MT, Gardner IA, Garry FB, Roussel AJ, Wells SJ. Consensus recommendations on diagnostic testing for the detection of paratuberculosis in cattle in the United States. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 229;12:1912-1919, 2006. Lombard JE, Wagner BA, Smith RL, McCluskey BJ, Harris BN, Payeur JB, Garry FB, Salman MD. Evaluation of environmental sampling and culture to determine Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis distribution and herd infection status on U.S. dairy operations. J Dairy Sci, 89:4163-4171, 2006Wenz JR, Garry FB, Barrington GM. Comparison of disease severity scoring systems for dairy cattle with acute coliform mastitis. J Am Vet Med Assoc 229: 259-262, 2006. Roman-Muniz IN, VanMetre DC, Garry FB, Reynolds SJ, Wailes WR, Keefe TJ. Training methods and association with worker injury on Colorado dairies: A survey. J Agromedicine, 11;2:19-26, 2006. Wenz JR, Barrington GM, Garry FB, Ellis RP, Magnuson RJ. Escherichia coli isolates serotype, genotype and virulence genes and clinical coliform mastitis severity. J Dairy Sci, 89:3408-3412. 2006. Wenz JR, Garry FB, Lombard JE, Elia R, Prentice D, Dinsmore RP. Efficacy of parenteral ceftiofur for treatment of systemically mild clinical mastitis in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci, 88:3496-3499, 2005. Lombard JE, Garry FB, McCluskey BJ, Wagner BA. Risk of removal and effects on milk production associated with paratuberculosis status in dairy cows. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 227;12:1975-1981, 2005. Loneragan G. H., D. H. Gould, J. J. Wagner, F. B. Garry and M. A. Thoren. The magnitude and patterns of ruminal hydrogen sulfide production, blood thiamine concentration and mean pulmonary arterial pressure in feedlot steers consuming water of different sulfate concentrations. Bovine Pract, 39:1;16-23, 2005.

Research Specialty

Food Animal Exclusive/Predominant