John Reif

Professor Emeritus Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences

Environmental Health Building

About John

Research Interests:

Environmental Epidemiology, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Animal Sentinels for Human Diseases




MSc, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1967DVM, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1963BS, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1959


Reif, J. S., Stockley, N., Harvey, K., McFarland, M., Gordon, S. C., & Schaefer, A. M. (2023). Symptom frequency and exposure to a cyanobacteria bloom in Florida. Harmful algae, 129, 102526. AS, Yrastorza L, Stockley N, Harvey K, Harris N, Grady R, Sullivan J, McFarland M, Reif, JS. Exposure to Microcystin among Coastal Residents during a Cyanobacteria Bloom in Florida. 2020. Harmful Algae, AM, Zoffer M, Yrastorza L, Pearlman DM, Bossart GD, Stossel R, Reif JS. Mercury exposure, fish consumption, and perceived risk among pregnant women in coastal Florida. 2019, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(24), 4903 Schaefer AS, Jensen E, Bossart GD, Reif JS. Hair Mercury Concentrations and Fish Consumption Patterns in Florida Residents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2014; 11(7):6709-6726. Reif JS, Schaefer AM, Bossart GD. Lobomycosis: Risk of zoonotic transmission from dolphins to humans. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2013; 13(10) 689-93. Clark ML, Burch JB, Yost MG, Zhai Y, Bachand A, Fitzpatrick CTE, Ramaprasad J, Cragin L, Reif JS. Biomonitoring of Estrogen and Melatonin Metabolites among Women Residing near Radio and Television Broadcasting Transmitters. J Occup Environ Med 2007; 49:1149-1156. Reif JS, Burch JB, Nuckols JR, Metzger L, Anger WK. Neurobehavioral effects of exposure to trichloroethylene through a municipal water supply. Environmental Research, 2003; 93:248-258.Reif JS, Bruns C, Lower KS. Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in pet dogs. Amer J Epidemiol 1998; 147:488-92.Reif JS, Hatch MC, Bracken M, Holmes L, Schwetz B, Singer PC. Reproductive and developmental effects of disinfection byproducts in drinking water. Environ Health Perspect 1996; 104:1056-1061.Reif JS, Dunn K, Ogilvie GK, Harris CK. Passive smoking and canine lung cancer risk. Am J Epidemiol 1992; 135:324-9.Reif J, Pearce N, Kawachi I, Fraser J. Soft-tissue Sarcoma, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other cancers in New Zealand Forestry workers. Int J Cancer 1989; 43:49-54.