International Dairy Research Consortium

The International Dairy Research Consortium brings together researchers and dairy industry representatives to collaborate on projects that reduce injuries and illnesses among dairy workers globally.

HICAHS formed the International Dairy Research Consortium (IDRC) with researchers at the Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences to address health and safety on dairy farms in the United States, Europe and other dairy producing countries. The purpose of the IDRC is to collaborate on research and outreach projects that will ultimately result in the reduction of injuries and illnesses among dairy workers internationally. Initially formed following a 2009 dairy workshop in Denver, the group communicates informally via email and meets in conjunction with international health and safety conferences. Researchers from over 10 countries have participated in meetings in 2011, 2013, 2014, and 2019.

The IDRC met most recently in August of 2019 at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA. The day-long meeting included presentations and table discussions to identify research and outreach priorities for implementing a Total Worker HealthTM approach in the dairy industry. In attendance were researchers as well as industry and worker advocates from the U.S., Canada, Italy, Lithuania and Sweden.

The results of nearly a decade of formal collaboration, members of the IDRC have served as editors for two peer-reviewed journal special issues. Combined, the articles from these special issues have more than 40,000 views.

  • A Global Perspective on Modern Dairy: Occupational Health and Safety Challenges and Opportunities
    Journal of Agromedicine
    , Volume 18, Issue 3, 2013
    Editors: Reynolds, Lundqvist, Colosio
  • International Perspectives on Health and Safety Among Dairy Workers: Challenges, Solutions and the Future
    Frontiers in Public Health, January 2018
    Editors: Jakob and Rosecrance

In August 2022, IDRC members helped plan and participate in the Public and Occupational Health in Sustainable Agriculture Conference, a one-day hybrid conference broadcast from Odense, Denmark. The IDRC session, One Health in the Dairy Industry: Employing a One Health Approach in Studying Cross-species Influenza D Infections on Dairy Farms was led by Dr. David Douphrate and Dr. Laura Pulscher. A recording of the presentation can be viewed here.

Upcoming Gatherings

The International Dairy Research Consortium is currently planning future gatherings. We will share more details via our international dairy research listserv. Email us to be added to the listserv.

IDRC Past Meeting Reports

Join Us!

Interested in learning more about the IDRC or joining us at our next meeting? Send us an email to be added to the IDRC email list.

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