Clinical Diagnostic Assay Development and Processing Center
Our Purpose
The Clinical Diagnostic Assay Development and Processing Center (CDADPC) was formed to facilitate the objectives of creating medical diagnostic and predictive assays for commercial and clinical use, as well as advancing scientific discovery for basic and translational research.
Primary emphases are placed on the discovery of biomarkers for disease and treatment, and the targeted assay development for previously discovered biomarkers.
A first step towards the CDADPC’s goal was the establishment of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) resources to allow small molecule biomarker discovery and assay development. This LC-MS instrumentation and required scientific expertise is available for use by the Translational Medicine Institute and external investigators wanting to apply this technology to assay development or basic and clinical research objectives.
Center Capabilities
The specific instrumentation available through the CDADPC include:
- Agilent 6546 Quadrupole-Time of Flight (Q-ToF) mass spectrometer (MS) interfaced with an Agilent 1290 Infinity II Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) system
- Agilent Triple Quadrupole (QQQ) MS interfaced with an Agilent 1290 Infinity II UHPLC system
The availability of these two systems enables a broad range of studies directed at small molecule metabolites allowing for the identification and measurement of biomarkers, and the elucidation of metabolic pathways underlying disease processes or pathologies. Specifically, the CDADPC instrumentation can be applied for untargeted and targeted metabolomics analyses, small molecule structure confirmation/elucidation via tandem MS (MS/MS), and the development and application of quantitative multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) assays.
Instrument use, training, and other services
For first time users of the Clinical Diagnostic Assay Development and Processing Center’s resources
As your first step, please fill out this form for any service and consult requests.
For additional questions, please contact Dr. Paul Soma ([email protected]) or Dr. John Belisle ([email protected]) to discuss your studies and the most appropriate instrumentation and approaches to achieve study goals.