Aubriee McGinty

ERL Equine Care Nights Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology


About Aubriee

My name is Aubriee McGinty. I am the field project manager in the Mayo lab. I started with the Mayo lab as an undergrad research assistant in 2021, but my passion for working outside and with my hands allowed me to become the go-to person when it comes to fieldwork. Whether it’s wrangling midges with insect trapping, replacing motors in traps, collecting larvae, bleeding cattle or sheep, or anything to do with fieldwork, I am your person! I am currently studying Equine Science with a minor in Business Administration with vet school in my future. I hope to become an ambulatory veterinarian. Outside of work and school, I am super outdoorsy. I love to fish, hunt, ride horses, going camping, and my all-time favorite thing to do outside of work is exploring the backcountry of Colorado and Wyoming packing horses.