Elizabeth Hemming-Schroeder

Assistant Professor Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology


(970) 491-7538 view faculty website

About Elizabeth

Dr. Hemming-Schroeder is an Assistant Professor and member of the Center for Vector-borne Infectious Diseases. Dr. Hemming-Schroeder's research training includes the study of malaria, a disease that affects nearly half of the world's population, as well as tick-borne diseases in the United States. Her research primarily uses methods in molecular biology, population genetics, and bioinformatics to study vector-borne disease ecology and epidemiology. She is broadly interested in how ecological factors, environmental modifications, and public health interventions impact pathogen and vector population dynamics and how genetic and epidemiological information on pathogens and vectors can be used to improve infectious disease control and elimination.


PhD, University of California, Irvine, 2019BS, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2013