Brooke Enney

Research Associate I Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology


About Brooke

I received my B.S in Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology at Colorado State University in 2023. I worked as an undergraduate student in Dr. Geiss laboratory throughout my degree and upon graduating I was offered the opportunity to stay on as a Research Associate I/Lab Manager. 

As Research Associate, I am currently working on various projects throughout the lab. One of these projects involves development of a new PCR assay to visualize the presence of subgenomic flaviviral RNA (sfRNAs) during viral infection, specifically WNV. The overall goal in development of a new PCR assay is to visualize the presence or absence of sfRNAs within an infection model. This allows for verification of viral RNA samples prior to conducting a northern blot analysis. I am also developing a pipeline in deep mutational scanning involving the WNV genome. The goal in deep mutational scanning involving flavivirus genomes is to enhance our understanding of protein structure, stability and overall function within viral replication.

I also work as the lab manager where I direct daily operations in both technical and non-technical aspects. Fun fact about me is I own a paint horse named Cheyenne and have competitively shown her since I was eight years old. In my spare time I also love binge watching TV shows or movies, and reading, specifically psychological thrillers and young adult fiction novels.


B.S. Microbiology, Colorado State University, 2023