Alexander Brandl

Professor and Interim Department Head Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences


(970) 491-2292

About Alexander

Dr. Brandl's research interests include: *Radiation physics *Operational health physics *Computer simulation of radiation fields, Sheilding, Detector efficiencies *Radionuclide transport *Environmental and workplace monitoring *Internal dosimetry.


Ph.D. - Physics, University of New Mexico, 2002M.S. - Physics, University of New Mexico, 1999B.S. - Physics and Mathematics, University of New Mexico, 1996


Brandl, A. An Analytical Approach to Calculating the Dose to Animals Due to External Exposure. Health Phys. 102(6), 687-695 (2012). Valentin, C. P., Kratky, J., Brandl, A. Investigation of Alpha and Beta Self-Absorption Factors in the Calibration of Water Sample Measurements. Health Phys. 103(2), S124-S130 (2012). Brandl A. The Standard Model of Particle Physics in the Health Physics Framework. Health Physics 100 (6), 660 - 661, 2011.