Claire de La Serre

Biomedical Sciences


(970) 491-3266

About Claire

My research is centered on understanding how diet composition modulates behavior, in particular feeding behavior. The vagus nerve is a direct neural pathway that conveys post-ingestive feedback from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to the brain and proper gut-brain communication is critical for regulation of feeding. Thus, my main interest has been to understand how post-ingestive cues from the GI tract are dysregulated to promote overeating. I have focused my efforts on identifying mechanisms by which diet affects vagal sensory neurons signaling, in particular diet-driven alterations in microbiota composition.


Postdoctoral Fellowship, Behavioral Neurosciences, Johns Hopkins University, 2012Ph.D., Physiology and Nutrition, AgroParisTech, France, 2011M.S., Physiology and Nutrition, AgroParisTech, France, 2008M.S., Biological Engineering, AgroParisTech, France, 2008

Research Specialty

Animal models of chronic diseases Germ-free rodentsMicrobiota analysisPhysiology and behaviorNeurobiology

