Elaine Carnevale

Professor Biomedical Sciences

ERL Equine Reproduction Laboratory

(970) 491-8648

About Elaine

Dr. Carnevale received her D.V.M. from Colorado State University, prior to obtaining an M.S. at Colorado State University in reproductive physiology. Her Ph.D. was obtained in 1993 from University of Wisconsin-Madison, with a focus on reproductive aging in mares. Dr. Carnevale taught at Southern Illinois University before returning to CSU in 1998 to establish a program in equine assisted reproduction, which included the first clinical applications of oocyte transfer and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Dr. Carnevale is a professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University. She participates in the instruction of D.V.M. students, primarily in equine reproduction. Dr. Carnevale continues to study the development of assisted reproductive technologies. However, the primary focus of her research lab is the study of maternal factors, such as aging and metabolic status, that influence oocyte quality and reproductive efficiency. Aims of the research are to improve fertility and offspring health in the older or obese mare in addition to using the mare as a model for translational studies.


Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1994D.V.M., Colorado State University, 1985M.S., Colorado State University, 1988

Research Specialty

Equine reproduction/ gamete and embryo physiology