Entropion is the inward rolling of all or part of the eyelid and can affect anywhere from one to all four of the eyelids. The result of this eyelid inversion is that the hair from the eyelid skin rubs on the corneal and conjunctival surfaces. This rubbing of hairs on the surface of the eye creates chronic irritation resulting in profuse tearing, squinting, or corneal ulcerations which can compromise your pet’s comfort and eye health.
Entropion is often an inherited condition and is common in certain breeds of young dogs, including Shar Peis, Chow Chows, Bulldogs, Pugs, Retrievers, and Rottweilers. It is occasionally seen in cats as well, where it is typically a secondary type of entropion.

If your pet is fewer than six month of age, typically temporary procedures are recommended to repair the entropion until a patient is full grown as it is possible for a dog to “grow out” of this condition. However, if the entropion remains persistent once a pet is nearly full grown, then surgical intervention is recommended.
Surgery involves removing some portion of the eyelid to roll the eyelid outward and remove the contact between skin hairs and the surface of the eye. The success rates with surgery vary somewhat based on the breed, age, and specifics of the case. In general, surgery is successful about 90-95% of the time. In up to 10% of patients, there are extenuating circumstances (e.g., young animal, recurrence or persistence of underlying causes if secondary entropion, other) that necessitate a second procedure.