In most cases, the venue is ready according to your requests approximately 1‐2 hours before your event is scheduled to begin if you’d like to come in and prepare for your event. Please let the Event Planning staff know the time you need to be in the space, so that personnel are scheduled, and the venue is unlocked. For earlier access times additional fees will be incurred. In the instance the venue will not be available to you 1‐2 hours in advance, the Event Planning staff will communicate the timing.
Please discuss all setup requests and decorations in detail with the TMI Meeting Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the event date.
No display materials of any sort may be affixed to the walls, doors, windows, room partitions, curtains, and floors unless approved by the Event Planning staff.
No tape (including duct, masking, and clear tape) is permitted in the TMI. The use of nails, screws, or thumbtacks is also prohibited in the TMI. If hanging items are needed, please discuss this with the TMI Event Coordinator.
The TMI assumes no responsibility for any items left in the facility after your event. Please remove all of your items by the end of the event.
It is your responsibility to return the room(s) to original set‐up condition after the event. If the room(s) is in not left in original condition, your organization may be charged an additional cleaning, trash removal, and a possible damage fee depending on the condition of the space.
All trash must be discarded in waste receptacles.
All decorations must be removed or discarded.
We request that you not use confetti or glitter in your decorations due to the extensive clean up required and additional fees incurred.
Please let the TMI Event Coordinator know if you need additional trash receptacles.
All decorations must meet minimum safety standards as interpreted by Environmental Health and Safety. Fire codes prohibit the use of hay, straw, cornstalks, or other dry tinder in the venue. All balloons must be secured within the facility.
Emergency exits, fire extinguishers and service doors are not to be blocked with any furniture, decorations, or equipment. The use of paint, glue, or aerosol spray products is not permitted in any of the room(s) at TMI.
No candles, open flames, etc. are permitted for use in any rooms at TMI unless authorized by the Event Coordinator.
All smoke, fog, confetti, and bubble machines and Light Show projectors using any type of liquid or dry ice are strictly prohibited in the TMI. Please discuss any special effects planned with the TMI Event Coordinator in advance of your event.
The TMI Event Coordinator (and/or media department) will regulate light and sound controls. Please submit all detailed light and sound requirements when submitting setup plans at least two weeks prior to your event. Additional equipment and trained staff are available to help run your event with a two-week notice.
The use of any sharp objects in a performance/presentation that may injure attendees and damage floors, walls, or ceilings is prohibited. Please ask your performers/presenters to explain if any props are used for a performance/presentation or activity in advance of the event.
Food/Beverage/Alcohol Information
No food or beverage allowed in teaching labs, imaging or surgery areas – see CSU policy on biosafety for more information.
All outside food and beverages must be approved by the Event Coordinator. An approved list of building caterers and delivery service is available upon request.
All food service must follow CSU EHS protocol and therefore coordination of food, including delivery, must be arranged with the events coordinator.
No alcohol can be brought in by any group using the TMI facilities. Alcohol usage can be arranged with the TMI Event Coordinator upon request. Please note, 20 business days are required for all events requesting alcohol.
Any food or beverage spills on the floor must be cleaned up immediately. If assistance is needed with a spill, please contact the TMI Event Coordinator, 970‐491‐8645.
Failure to adhere to any of the guidelines will result in additional fees to the organization. These fees include:
Extra cleaning, including confetti, glitter, or trash removal (labor charge).
Extra set‐up costs (labor charge).
Cost of repairs to facility (replacement cost and labor).
Cost from loss or theft of equipment (replacement cost and labor charge).
Fire Department response for failing to follow the above guidelines ($200.00 per response)