By completing the following items prior to Ram Orientation, your orientation advisor will be able to best prepare a plan for your first semester class registration. This will make your orientation experience proceed more smoothly and prevent extra steps on your end post-orientation.
Complete the Math Placement process
- You must follow the Math Placement process prior to orientation to ensure your are able to register for the appropriate classes.
- For example, you will need to test out of MATH 117 and 118 (Algebra I and II) to register for your first chemistry class.
- The Math Placement Tool may be waived if you have confirmed AP/IB scores from 2024 or prior, or applicable transfer math credit. Refer to the CSU Registrar for more information.
Determine Freshman Composition Placement
- With your SAT/ACT scores or transfer credit including AP/IB scores handy, view CSU’s Composition Placement Procedures to see if you need to complete the Directed Self-Placement Survey.
- To complete the survey, log in to RAMweb with your eID and password. The Directed Self-Placement Survey can be found within the main menu beneath “Registration.”
Transfer Credits and AP/IB Scores
Gather information on college coursework you have completed. This may include:
- Official transcripts from college coursework taken in high school. Transcripts must be submitted to CSU’s Registrar’s Office.
- AP or IB scores from your junior year of high school must be submitted to CSU’s Registrar’s Office.
Please bring any unofficial copies of AP/IB test scores and/or unofficial transcripts from other institutions to your orientation session. It is very important to include all completed and in-progress college coursework as accurately as possible.
Complete “Registration Ready” Tasks
Log in to RAMweb with your EID and password. You will see a “Registration Ready” section on the center of the page. Please complete all elements with a red “X” (except for your advising code, which you’ll receive at orientation). The list of tasks in this section must be completed before you’ll have access to registration.
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