Giuliana Gabassi

Clinical Sciences


About Giuliana

Dr. Gabassi grew up in Sweden and Italy, spending the majority of her free time around horses. She was fortunate to have the opportunity to compete in show jumping and dressage and developed a lifelong passion for horses and the equine athlete.

After completing high school her family moved to Mexico where she pursued veterinary studies at the University of Guadalajara. Once graduated Giuliana completed an 8-month internship in Guadalajara at Medicina Equina Integral with a primary focus on equine sports medicine and ambulatory services.

In 2021, to continue to develop her skills, she spent 3 months in the U.S. as an extern at Brazos Valley Equine Hospital and Montana Equine Medical & Surgical Center, prior to becoming an intern at Paton and Martin Veterinary Services located in British Columbia, Canada. During her time as an intern, it became very clear that she wanted to specialize and pursue training in an academic setting in North America. With a continued strong interest for the equine athlete, she applied and was accepted for the residency training program in equine sports medicine and rehabilitation at Colorado State University. She maintained her position as intern at Paton and Martin Veterinary Services until May 2024.