Lisa Jones

Clinical Trials Technician, Oncology Clinical Trials Clinical Sciences


About Lisa

A Fort Collins native, Lisa graduated from Front Range Community College’s veterinary technology program and became a Certified Veterinary Technician in 2014. Her veterinary career includes time in general practice and rehabilitative therapy as well as several years working for a specialty hospital focusing first on emergency cases and then dentistry. She continues to volunteer with the Peter Emily International Veterinary Dental Foundation, assisting in dental procedures on exotic animals at wildlife sanctuaries. Lisa says in all these positions, her biggest reward is seeing her patients’ quality of life improve. Outside of work, Lisa keeps busy with her daughter, two dogs, and cat. She also enjoys reading, going to the movies with her daughter, snowboarding, CrossFit, camping, and mountain biking.


Associate of Arts, Front Range Community College, 2017


Certified Nursing Assistant